Monday, 25 May 2009

Small changes

Today's visit I found that the verandah has been started, which is the blue bit in the photo. I also found that a lot of the wiring for electrical and hot water had been done. I was hoping for the colourbond roof to be on, but nope not yet. You can see in the background some of the others have been put on.

I think something strange is going on as it pours with rain each time I make my way down there...

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Found the chairs

Four chairs and they go really well with the table. I just need to sand back and reupholster the seat. I was so excited I started last night sanding and pulling the seat base apart.

Here is the photo:

Friday, 22 May 2009

Bimbimbie Cottage - Place of many birds

I have decided to name my cottage and after a lot of searching my friends on homeone helped me by supplying a list of aboriginal words and the meanings.

I like the sound of Bimbimbie Cottage and love the meaning - Place of many birds. I am hoping to plant vegetation to encourage birds to my garden...

Friday, 15 May 2009

Almost finished dining table

Here is the finished product almost. It just needs one more coat of estapol and I haven't put the extension bits back in as I can't do it on my own without scratching it.

It was $109 for the table inc delivery
$70 for sander, which will be used again
$60 for supplies (stain, varnish etc)

So a very cheap table, but now on the lookout for secondhand chairs that I like, which I can do up to match the table stain. It's not perfect, but I am very happy with it. The colour I used is Wattyl Wood Gel Wenge.

Monday, 4 May 2009

New Old Dining Table

I bid and won this dining table last night from ebay for $109 delivered. It will be delivered Thursday night and then I can look at sanding it back and restaining a nice chocolate/walnut colour. I am also thinking of buying new or secondhand chairs to go with it either highback timber or fake leather chairs.
Here it is:

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Photos of Frames!

I went down today and met up with my brother and his fiancee and checked out my frame. They started Tuesday and looks like it was finished Friday, three days was much quicker then I expected. Looks like I will be paying the next progress payment sometime soon.

This photo is my brother and his fiancee, with all the other cottages in the background.

My lounge room and the hole for the sliding door

This is the kitchen

The main bedroom has a huge window, which is fantastic

The bathroom with the window in the shower

This is the back view. You can see the kitchen on the left and spare room on the right

This is the side view of the cottage, with the two small windows, the left is the spare room, the right is the main bedroom.

This is the front main bedroom on the left, lounge on the right

Close up view of the lounge