Monday 26 December 2011

Zucchini harvest, Oregano drying

Anyone with a zucchini plant or two, knows how many zucchini's you get in a very short time. I needed to do something with these zucchini's that was quick.

So I sliced them up...

...and placed in two freezer bags and added to the freezer. Hopefully they will freeze OK and I can add to stews and soups in the winter.

My oregano plant was looking rather big, so I chopped it back and then wondered what to do with the chopped off oregano. I decided to place into one of the netting bags I've been collecting, then left it hanging near my kitchen window for the last couple of weeks. It actually dried really well.

I pulled all the leaves off the sticks

Then stored in an old coffee jar. The smell is amazing!

I can't believe how easy it was to dry oregano. I can't wait to try drying peppermint, basil, thyme...

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